About the software

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Just think, image…

I am not good at web skills, all the html, css, javascript stuffs related are escaped during my work, but it doesn’t suppress my love for Internet browser, chrome especially. I built a lot of client-server based applications including native iOS clients, most of them have a hard user-experience, it’s more stable but difficult to upgrade. The browser-server based applications are more flexible and easy to cross all the platforms.

Recently, I prefer to build command line application via Python. Just input, compute, output. There are not interface logic and output data format. It comes from the Bill Gates’s age, the main input interface is the generic keyboard, the hardware system has only several kilobytes’ RAM. With the computers have a variety of input devices nowadays, the RAM size increases to giga level.

The personal computer has comes to its noontide, there won’t be so much input interface kinds to born. All the existing input interfaces will be used for data management specialists. No keyboard is needed for final client users in the end! Without replacement!

At that time, all the applications will have a big transition. The vendors have enough data on our life, they will have to tell us what we need, or die soon. I am not talking cloud computer, but user experience actually.

So, what’s the software? It’s hardware before, tool-likes now, interface future.

Updated on Will Han